Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions about Canceled Documents are listed below.

Canceled Documents

Q: Do cancellation notices apply to everyone?
A: Cancellation notices inform DoD personnel that documents are no longer to be used for procurement unless a waiver is obtained. The cancellation notices sometimes suggest replacement documents that might be used by the DoD. The final decision, however, rests with the user and the user should evaluate the suggested replacement document to ensure that it meets the intended application. For industry, cancellation notices indicate that a document will no longer be used or maintained by DoD; however, industry may still choose to use the canceled document to meet DoD requirements. If there is a suggested replacement document, industry may use this or any other document that meets the requirement. Industry should be advised that any suggested replacement document is just that (i.e., only a suggestion) and Industry assumes responsibility if they choose to use it.

Q: Is there a master list of all canceled documents?
A: To generate a list of canceled documents, use one of the Filtered Search tools in the DoD ASSIST database. Click on [Search] in the top menu bar or [Search & Analysis] in the left-side menu. Select [Canceled] from the drop-down list labeled [Status:] and click on the [Filtered Search] button. You can then export the results either as a PDF or Microsoft Excel file. To further filter results by document type, Preparing Activity, federal supply class or standardization area, or a specified date range, select [Filtered Search (Advanced)] from the drop-down list in the upper right labeled [Search Method:]. ASSIST is managed by DLA Document Services in Philadelphia, PA. Please note that first time visitors must click on the Registration and Access link to request a user account and password. DoD employees and DoD contractors with a common access card (CAC), after logging on once with a user account and password, can subsequently use the CAC logon option. There is no charge for this service. Users encountering problems with registration may contact the ASSIST Service Desk, (215) 697-2179, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Q: Can I get copies of canceled or superseded documents?
A: Yes. Please visit the ASSIST database.

Q: What do I do about canceled standardization documents cited in current contracts?
A: For existing contracts, cited specifications and standards remain in effect, whether canceled or not, unless there is a contract change. Some solicitations and contracts may include DFARS clause 252.11-7005, Substitutions for Military and Federal Specifications and Standards, which encourages offerors to recommend alternatives to cited military and federal specifications and standards.

Q: I'm working on an upcoming ACAT (or AIS) program solicitation and I've discovered that a document essential to this acquisition has been canceled. What can I do?
A: While the intent is to not use canceled documents, DoD policy does not prohibit their use. In certain circumstances, use of a canceled document may be the sole technically sound course of action. If it appears that a canceled document will be used repetitively on future new acquisitions or reprocurements, that document should be reinstated following the procedures described in Enclosures 4 and 7 of DoD 4120.24 M, DSP Procedures.

Q: Can technical data packages (TDPs) which cite canceled standardization documents be used to support reprocurements?
A: Ideally, TDPs should be "scrubbed" prior to use in a reprocurement to verify the validity and currency of all specifications and standards cited. If a TDP cites canceled specifications or standards, then remedial action should be taken to delete the canceled document and state the requirement in performance terms, cite a current replacement document, or begin action to reinstate the canceled specification or standard if the TDP is likely to be used again. Where workload does not permit "scrubbing" each TDP prior to a reprocurement action, buying activities should develop and use solicitation and contract clauses that would encourage bidders and the winning contractor to propose alternatives to any requirements imposed by canceled documents cited in TDPs.

Q: A military standard was canceled by mistake. What are the procedures for reinstating the document?
A: The preparing activity, or with its permission another activity, may reinstate a canceled document by issuance of a notice of reinstatement. For a standard canceled by the Defense Standardization Council (DSC), however, the DSC must first approve the reinstatement. All other reinstatements of canceled standards must be approved by the cognizant Departmental Standardization Office (DepSO) for the reinstating activity. A notice of reinstatement, with a sequentially assigned Arabic numeral, will supersede the previous notice of cancellation. The process for issuing a reinstatement notice is the same as for basic document development (i.e., obtaining a project number; coordinating the document). A discussion of the reinstatement process can be found in paragraph 11i in Enclosure 7 of DoD 4120.24 M, DSP Procedures. The format is in MIL-STD-962D, Defense Standards Format and Content.

Q: A military specification was canceled and my activity needs this document. What can I do to rectify this situation?
A: The process for reinstating a canceled military specification is the same as the one used to reinstate a military standard, except that the preparing activity need only obtain approval for specifications canceled by DSC action. The format is in MIL-STD-961E, Defense and Program-Unique Specifications Format and Content.

Q: What do I do when another Service plans to cancel or has canceled a military specification or standard I need?
A: First try to convince the cognizant preparing activity (PA) to retain the document or, if it has already been canceled, to go through the reinstatement process. If this appeal is not successful, then your activity may ask to become the PA for the document. The reinstatement process is described in paragraph 11i in Enclosure 7 of DoD 4120.24-M, DSP Procedures.

Q: What happens at the subcontract level when a military document referenced in a prime contractor's specification is canceled?
A: It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to inform suppliers how to address the requirement. As a general rule, cancellation should have no effect on existing contracts. For future contracts, the prime may choose to direct the supplier to continue to comply with the canceled document; it may incorporate requirements from the canceled document into a company specification; or it may modify it's specification to refer to a replacement non-government standard. The key point is that the government will not direct the prime on how to handle canceled documents.