Item Reduction

Why have an Item Reduction Program?

The purpose of the Item Reduction Program is to reduce the number of sizes, and kinds, of items in the Federal Supply System that are generally similar in form, fit and function. Guidance for the Item Reduction Program is in the SD-23, Department of Defense Item Reduction Program, dated January 5, 2007, which is currently under review.

How is the Program Implemented?

The Item Reduction Program employs the use of Item Reduction Studies that consist of three key elements:

  • Identifying items for elimination from the supply system;
  • Coordinating proposed family relationships (i.e., interchangeable or substitutable items) with the recorded military and federal users of the items to ensure all technical requirements are satisfied; and
  • Eliminating the non-standard items from the Federal Supply System including updating the Federal Cataloging system.

Additional information and operational guidance is in the Documentation Information guide, dated 1 May 2004.

What are the benefits of Item Reduction?

Completed Item Reduction Studies result in the non-standard items no longer being procured and any remaining stock being used to satisfy requisitions until the stock is depleted. Once the stock is depleted, any requisitions for that item are fulfilled automatically by the standard item. Benefits of a successful item reduction study include increased material availability and cost savings associated with the elimination of the non-standard items.

Program Update

The DSPO is currently reviewing the Item Reduction Program for incorporation in the Parts Management Program.