Joint Standardization Boards

Joint Standardization Boards (JSBs) provide a DoD-wide forum for achieving common, mutually satisfactory standardization solutions that (1) Cut across multiple Federal Supply Classes, Federal Supply Groups, or standardization areas and cannot be handled by a single Lead Standardization Activity (LSA); (2) cover an evolving technology or commodity that does not have an assigned LSA; or (3) address standardization issues identified by the Defense Standardization Executive that may not result in a standardization document. JSBs advance interoperability, logistic readiness, and cost efficiency within their areas of responsibility by providing standardization advocacy, guidance, and executive-level support. JSBs make acquisition, standardization, and sustainment decisions while supporting and facilitating multi-Service standardization programs. By providing a joint forum for high-level oversight and advocacy of strategic standardization initiatives, each JSB plays a key role within the Defense Standardization Program and is responsible for defining enterprise-wide standardization objectives and strategies for a designated commodity area. JSBs provide leadership to address commodity-related issues and needs, and they establish priorities to help the standardization community wisely allocate resources. The following JSBs have been chartered by the Defense Standardization Executive:

  • Aerial Refueling Systems (ARSAG) -- fulfilled by the Aerial Refueling Systems Advisory Group
  • Expeditionary Shelters and Basing Equipment (ESBE), formerly JOCOTAS -- fulfilled by Expeditionary Shelters and Basing Equipment
  • Fuze/Initiation Systems (FESWG) -- fulfilled by the Fuze Engineering Standardization Working Group
  • Mobile Electric Power Systems (MEPS) -- fulfilled by Project Manager Expeditionary Energy & Sustainment Systems, Project Manager Mobile Electric Power Systems

Chartering a Joint Standardization Board (JSB)

The Defense Standardization Executive authorizes and approves the charter for each JSB. The Departmental Standardization Offices are notified of proposed JSBs by the Defense Standardization Program Office (DSPO). The DSPO reviews an approved charter at least every 5 years to determine if the JSB should continue and if its charter should be renewed. Requests to authorize and charter JSBs must be submitted to the DSPO with a draft charter.