Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions about Non-Government Standards Bodies are listed below.

Non-Government Standards Bodies

Q: If membership in non-Government standards bodies is encouraged by DoD, why do employees have to pay their own membership fees and dues, without reimbursement?
A: Since non-Government standards (NGS) use contributes to our strategy of fostering civil/military integration, we encourage DoD employees to participate on appropriate committees. Our current standardization policy prohibits the Department from paying individual membership fees; however, the administrative fees for authorized DoD representatives are covered.

Any DoD employee who participates on a non-Government standards activity at government expense (travel, salary, as well as fees) does so as an authorized representative of the Department. Though the representative may regularly participate on a committee and receive some benefit from that participation, the administrative fee associated with this participation is actually paid to ensure DoD activity representation. In other words, it is not the individual but the DoD activity that is participating. At any time, the DoD activity retains the right to substitute alternate personnel to participate on a NGS committee.

Defense activities are responsible for covering all costs associated with carrying out the policy mandate. Where it is determined that DoD participation is in the best interest of the Department, the fees, travel expenses, and employee salary shall be covered by the activity. DoD personnel participating on NGS committees as individuals--and not authorized representatives--should be responsible for their own membership fees and dues, since ensuring DoD interests are met may not be of paramount importance.