- Army -- Quadripartite Working Group for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Standards (ABCA QSTAGs): Dr. George Famini, Robert Moeller, and Cecelia Ball, U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (USA ECBC)
- Army -- Formal Quality Management System for the Critical Reagents Program: Dr. Peter Emanuel, Mike Mazza, Karen Poffenberger, Dr. David Norwood, and Dr. Mark Wolcott, Army Joint Program Executive Office, Chemical and Biological Defense
- Air Force -- Weapon Data Link Network, Advance Concept Technology Demonstration: Lynda Rutledge, Ron Johnson, Ron Taylor, Lt Josef Peterson, and CMDR Clay Snaza, U.S. Air Force, Capabilities, Integration Directorate, Weapon Data Link Network Program Office
- Navy -- Integrated In-Service Reliability Program (IISRP): Deborah Vergos, Les Wetherington, Bobby Brinson, Steve Adamczyk, and James Schrope, U.S. Navy, Integrated In- Service Reliability Program Office
- Navy -- MIL-STD-3014 , DoD Interface Standard for Mission Data Exchage Format (MiDEF): Scott Millett, David Neel, Mark Harrington, and Pierre Miles, U.S. Navy, Head, Weapon Engagement Office, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division