Modular System Interface (MSI) Repositories

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Section 804(c) of the FY21 NDAA requires that the Department "establish and maintain repositories (and an associated comprehensive index) for interfaces, syntax and properties, documentation, and communication implementations" that have been delivered to Government pursuant to the MOSA requirements under Section 804(a)(2)(B) of the FY21 NDAA. This landing page provides a central index of the MSI Repositories established by each Military Service and other DoD Components, and related resources.

Architectures and Standards Engineering Library (ARSEnL)

The USAF repository contains MOSA enabling standards and Government Reference Architectures. Upcoming updates will contain a summary of programs and their POC’s for further information requests for interface information.

Anyone can access the site from the left menu and read Distribution A materials. DoD CAC users can login without any extra requests. Users Outside of the DoD must use the account request process.

Army MOSA Repository

The Army Modular Open System Approach (MOSA) Repository is a tool to assist in further collaboration across government and authorized industry entities to develop and implement modular capabilities in Army acquisition. It was developed to satisfy the language in FY21 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 804(c), titled ‘Interface Repositories’. It captures information regarding current Army ACAT I/II programs and their Major System Components (MSCs), as well as MOSA-enabling standards and specifications, utilized throughout the Army Program Executive Officers (PEOs).

The Army MOSA Repository is hosted on a CAC-enabled site. To request access with an Army email address, click the Army MOSA Repository from the left menu and fill out the request banner. Individual Army PEO pages hosted in the Army MOSA Repository will require separate request access and can be done by clicking on the appropriate page links and filling out the request banners. For individuals without an Army email address, you'll need to click and follow these instructions.

Navy Standards ISO MSI

To request access to the Navy MSI repository, click the link from the left menu and complete the Naval-LIFT account registration form.

Related Resources

  • DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) - the single, unifying DoD registry for approved information technology (IT) and national security systems (NSS) standards and standards profiles that is managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).
  • Army Capabilities and Architecture Development and Integration Environment (ArCADIE) - The repository for formatting, storing, and integrating authoritative architecture data, is designated as the single authoritative source for all Army architecture data. ArCADIE has four primary system functions - architecture development, architecture management and storage, discovery and search services, and architecture reporting and analysis.
  • ASSIST - ASSIST is the official source for specifications and standards used by the Department of Defense. A robust, comprehensive web site used by standardization management activities to develop, coordinate, distribute, and manage defense and federal specifications and standards, military handbooks, commercial item descriptions, data item descriptions, and related technical documents prepared in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Defense Standardization Program (DSP). In addition to DoD-prepared documents, ASSIST also has selected international standardization agreements, such as NATO standards ratified by the United States and International Test Operating Procedures, and adoption notices for DoD use of non-government standards.
  • The Warfighting Mission Area (WMA) Architecture Federation and Integration Portal (AFIP) - A central, federated hub for discovery, accessibility, understandability, and reusability of WMA, DoD CIO Information Enterprise (IE), and Joint Information Environment (JIE) architectures.